ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: miniskirt

Scarlett pole dance 2

Scarlett pole dance 2

Only one photoshoot behind. Woohoo. I’ll b caught up in no time.

This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.

These three pole dancing pics are alternate views of for the Eight of Staffs card which more and more I am not liking as I look at it. The feeling of it just isn’t right. So I’m looking for opinions. Which of these three best fits the mood of the other tarot cards and still convey’s "swiftness" (i’d still have to over saturate it to match the other staff cards and digitally add a tattoo).

More to come.

Scarlett pole dance 3

Scarlett pole dance 3

Only one photoshoot behind. Woohoo. I’ll b caught up in no time.

This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.

These three pole dancing pics are alternate views of for the Eight of Staffs card which more and more I am not liking as I look at it. The feeling of it just isn’t right. So I’m looking for opinions. Which of these three best fits the mood of the other tarot cards and still convey’s "swiftness" (i’d still have to over saturate it to match the other staff cards and digitally add a tattoo).

More to come.



Day 647 of 365 More.


So, I say all the time that I never expected 365 to really take off the way it did. I would really have been happy if there were 20 people in the group on my first day, but now every time I look at the stats and see it’s over 8500 people all over the world, I am astounded.

The group has gotten so big and so amazing that a month ago, my mother decided to organize the members to pay tribute to me and my awesomeness.


So I kind of expect my mother and Steph to do stuff like this, because for some crazy reason, they claim to actually love me. I even expect it of Jameel since he’s spent the better part of his adult life, laying in bed at night and dreaming that he might one day be the Maverick. I’m happy they participated, but its no surprise.

The real surprise is the other 130-odd people who have also copycatted one of my photos in the last 24 hours.

I’m sorry I can’t go through and comment on each and every one of you (just flipping through the pool and working on this pic ate up my whole night and kept me from working on the next episode of Cosmic Hellcats which I had planned on working on tonight (and if you aren’t reading my webcomic, shame on you. Go check it out now! End cheap plug…), but let me just say that viewing the whole thing really made my day. So thank you to all who participated.

When I first heard about this, my immediate thought was "hmm, I wonder how many catholic school girl pics there are going to be today?" I kinda guessed that there might be one from like_shipwrecks and I was was so sure that PhotoKat would do one, that I would have bet my life on it. But the entries from er3465, evaxebra and gaymay were nice surprises. And it was great going through the pool and seeing other people’s takes on all my other ideas.

So thank you to everyone who participated and feel free to make it a yearly occurrence. Maybe next year we’ll all get off work. 🙂

365 days

Chaste School Girl 4

Chaste School Girl 4

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Chaste School Girl 6

Chaste School Girl 6

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Chaste School Girl 5

Chaste School Girl 5

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Chaste School Girl 3

Chaste School Girl 3

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Chaste School Girl 2

Chaste School Girl 2

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Chaste School Girl 1

Chaste School Girl 1

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.

Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Note: Several people had issues with the original version of this card as it wasn’t obvious enough that she was looking in a mirror. I understood the issue but was resistant because i really don’t want the background elements of any card to overpower the main image. Of course in this one, the mirror is part of the main image. But still I didn’t want to distract from the image. So I ended up compromising by trying to add a very simple stylized mirror frame to the image. I look forward to feedback.

In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.

Three of Swords (alternate)

Three of Swords (alternate)

I wasn’t sure about this idea at first, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.

This one stars Laurie. More shots of her coming later.

EDIT: Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering if I should drop the left bar altogether and just let people wonder if it’s a mirror or two different girls. Opinions?