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Tag: model

Four of Coins

Four of Coins

I’ve recently had some thoughts on restructuring the tarot deck. As such I reused two of my old photos for different cards. Of course now by doing so I’ve ended up junking some cards that were already done in order to meet my new designs.


I’m never going to finish this damn thing.

Four of Cups – yi 1

Four of Cups - yi 1

Ok, brand new tarot cards. Well, replacement ones.

The rough thing about the Tarot Project is that since it’s taking me so long, I tend to change my mind about ideas from time to time, which in turn means it takes me even longer since I have to redo certain cards.

I’ve grown unhappy with my theme for the fours (blind) and so I’ve decided to redo all of them. I realized I didn’t have water represented, so that’s what they’re going to be now.

So I shot with Yi the other day for some zivity photos and for the tarot set and I came up with two possibiliites I kind of like for the new four of cups. So I need to know from all of you. Which one is better?

the other version

Four of Cups – yi 2

Four of Cups - yi 2

Ok, brand new tarot cards. Well, replacement ones.

The rough thing about the Tarot Project is that since it’s taking me so long, I tend to change my mind about ideas from time to time, which in turn means it takes me even longer since I have to redo certain cards.

I’ve grown unhappy with my theme for the fours (blind) and so I’ve decided to redo all of them. I realized I didn’t have water represented, so that’s what they’re going to be now.

So I shot with Yi the other day for some zivity photos and for the tarot set and I came up with two possibiliites I kind of like for the new four of cups. So I need to know from all of you. Which one is better?

the other version

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 3

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 3

Someone posted a contest on Zivity for the best "Cliche photoshoot ideas" and specifically mentioned a possibility as sexy school girl sets. Anyone who knows me, knows that I was literally born for this one.

So as soon as it went up I knew that I had a photoshoot with Yi (MM#1093999) all ready to go.

If you don’t have a zivity account and want me to give you a trial invite, let me know, or just go over there to check them out now.

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 2

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 2

Someone posted a contest on Zivity for the best "Cliche photoshoot ideas" and specifically mentioned a possibility as sexy school girl sets. Anyone who knows me, knows that I was literally born for this one.

So as soon as it went up I knew that I had a photoshoot with Yi (MM#1093999) all ready to go.

If you don’t have a zivity account and want me to give you a trial invite, let me know, or just go over there to check them out now.

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 4

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 4

Someone posted a contest on Zivity for the best "Cliche photoshoot ideas" and specifically mentioned a possibility as sexy school girl sets. Anyone who knows me, knows that I was literally born for this one.

So as soon as it went up I knew that I had a photoshoot with Yi (MM#1093999) all ready to go.

If you don’t have a zivity account and want me to give you a trial invite, let me know, or just go over there to check them out now.

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 1

Vanities and Bunny Rabbits 1

Someone posted a contest on Zivity for the best "Cliche photoshoot ideas" and specifically mentioned a possibility as sexy school girl sets. Anyone who knows me, knows that I was literally born for this one.

So as soon as it went up I knew that I had a photoshoot with Yi (MM#1093999) all ready to go.

If you don’t have a zivity account and want me to give you a trial invite, let me know, or just go over there to check them out now.



It’s been a really long time since I posted a tarot card. The biggest problem is that I got to a point where I needed specific people in order to finish things off. I finally got one done today though with Viki. I needed the perfect "California Blonde" look for the sun card, and I think she pulled it off well.

Would love comments on this or any of the other Maverick Tarot cards.