ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: model

Housewife-9-Edit copy

Housewife-9-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.


Day 1055 of 365 Again. So I spent my evening on the roof of an undisclosed location in downtown Pittsburgh shooting pictures of a cute naked girl. Why undisclosed? Well, we weren’t really supposed to be able to go up there. But sometimes, well, let’s just say, sometimes you know people who can get stuff…


Day 1043 of 365 Again. I took the day off today. I needed it. I wonder how one gets one of those snazzy jobs where they work like three days a week but still get enough money to get by. Anyway, I slept in and then went to a local strip club, Cheerleaders, for a…