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Tag: NFL

Kemoeatu Kidneys

So, while I was in line at the store to get cigarettes a little bit ago, I overheard something (you always overhear interesting stuff in line at the convenience store). Some woman was telling her friend that she was sick of the media concentrating on all of the negative press the NFL gets with Adrian…

The NFL is not Greenpeace

I live in Pittsburgh, Pa. It’s a football town. As a resident here, I am required by law to worship the Pittsburgh Steelers, forsaking all other gods before them. Football is a religion here. Do you understand the level of sacrilegious gumption it takes for a city to pronounce a football play as “immaculate” and continue…


Day 251 of 365 days. Finally got my pinball shot in the set. I’m a huge pinball fan, although I don’t get to play as often these days as I did when I was younger. I don’t think I would have survived college without pinball. Anyway, I really wanted to get a shot of me…