ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: office


Day 1288 of 365 4 lyf. Not much to say about to day. Basically spent the day photo editing and trying to finish up some sets for zivity. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I’m like the busiest unemployed man in the world 365 days


Day 1212 of 365 4 lyf. So on election days the past several years, I’ve had this thing where I refuse to vote for anyone who is running unopposed. So when I see something like that, I do the natural thing. I write my own name in. So I got a letter in the mail…


Day 101 of 365 days. After yesterday’s masterpiece, it’s back to business as usual. Spent this evening editing a video promo package for a friend who is going to be wrestling in Hawaii. I’ve done it a couple times before. It’s kind of cool to know that I produced video packages that aired on Hawaiian…