Day 24 of the New Era
Ok, that’s it. I’m pretty much addicted to reading books on the iPad. Fuck paper!
Day 24 of the New Era
Ok, that’s it. I’m pretty much addicted to reading books on the iPad. Fuck paper!
Day 21 of the New Era
I’m as bad at shaving regularly as I am at actually remembering to post the photos I take.
Day 18 of the New Era
From my twitter stream earlier (@chrismaverick, follow me):
"Dear Congress, please give up on #SOPA. All my conservative & liberal friends online are agreeing on something & it really freaks me out."
Day 17 of the New Era
Yeah, so since I took the day off yesterday, it was back to the nightly comic grind tonight.
Day 16 of the New Era
I’ve been really busy lately. This was supposed to be about changes. But I’ve barely had a minute to breathe. Time to fix that. Decided to read a novel this weekend. One I had been meaning to read anyway. So I downloaded the Hunger Games to my iPad. This is the first book I’ve read entirely digitally (i have several that I read part on iPad and part in paperback). It’s actually kinda nice. Really looking forward to books two and three. But they’ll have to wait. Lots of work to do.
Day 15 of the New Era
Yeah, so it’s cold. Really cold. And so today, Steph and I woke up to find that our furnace had crapped out. Yay! Just what we need. He have it fixed now, so things are bit better, and really, we didn’t need that $600 anyway, right? *sigh*
Day 14 of the New Era
Sometime during my first go around with this project I started an online comic strip (cheap plug). It’s still going strong and now I’ve been trying to branch out with some side projects. Back in the old days I used to be forced to draw stuff on *gasp* paper. But these days, I do it on a Wacom Cintiq digital tablet.
So here we have a look into the creative process. This is me working on my new book that I hope to have done soon, Katt & Dawg, a Cosmic Hellcats spinoff.
Day 12 of the New Era
Its been a while since I got to play poker. So we decided to get that started again. Maybe next time I’ll even win a hand or two.
Day 13 of the New Era
I think I used to be more intersting when I did 365 before. Now I have a lot of days when I come home from work and all I want to do is lay down and take a nap. So on a day like today. we’ll just settle for a nice simple "let’s fire up Photo Booth on the Macbook and let what happens happen."
Day 11 of the New Era
So, after yesterday, I’m pretty much out of things to do with the whole grad school thing. I don’t know what will happen so mostly I’m just trying not to worry about it.
Umm, good luck with that.
Yeah, sadly, I don’t have much else going on to think about. So that gives me not much else to do for a photo either.
How did I used to do this everyday again?
Day 10 of the New Era
Ok, that’s it… GREs done. Didn’t do as well as I hoped, but I’m trying to tell myself that that’s to be expected since I didn’t study for them and I’ve been out of school for 14 years. But I’m trying to stay optimistic.
Grad school app submitted. Not happy with that either. My grades we’re the best back when I was younger, but there’s not exactly anything I can do about that now. In any case, it’s finished. Out of my hands. Time for some beer!
Day 9 of the New Era
Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind
up in HERE, up in here
Y’all gon’ make me go all out
up in here, up in here
Y’all gon’ make me act a FOOL
up in HERE, up in here
Y’all gon’ make me lose my cool
up in here, up in here