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Tag: originally uploaded to flickr


Day 1379 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. The problem with falling this far behind is that whenever I try to catch up, I don’t remember what I was doing on that day anymore. So uh, I was standing next to the wall for some reason… 365 days


Day 1378 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. The problem with falling this far behind is that whenever I try to catch up, I don’t remember what I was doing on that day anymore. So ummm, this is me and Steph’s feet watching a movie. I wish I remembered what it…


Day 1377 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. So for the first year of Cosmic Hellcats, we did this joke where we spoofed Marvel Comic’s Galactus by having our main villains be Galactus’s kids. In my left hand you can see the my comic that collects those stories. In my right…


Day 1376 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Today was y first official day as an elected official. It went pretty well, got to make like three decisions using my judge of elections powers. Wheee…. Long day, and this was just a primary. But it’s over. I’ll do it all again…


Day 1374 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Had an all day shoot with Trix and a couple male models today. When it was over she and I ran up to KFC/Taco Bell (mine doesn’t have a Pizza Hut) to get some dinner. Fast Food, huh? It took them 20 min.…


Day 1373 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. I keep almost getting caught up with posting and falling behind. I am just so busy lately and I never take a break. That’s why so many of my 365s are just snapshots lately. I really need to work on that. I miss…


Day 1368 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Tatiana is a model from Virginia who was passing through on a roadtrip. She was only in town for about 12 hours, but we totally HAD to squeeze a shoot in. Hopefully I’ll go out to visit her soon and shoot her again.…


Day 1367 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. I love me some beer. Went out with Steph’s family to celebrate Mother’s Day and her dad’s birthday. The place we went is a little german place that brews all their own beer. I haven’t made beer in a while. I need to…