ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: originally uploaded to flickr


Day 1325 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… I’ve been playing with the program Brushes on the iPhone lately. It’s pretty cool. Is it as good as sitting in front of Photoshop or Manga studio on my mac with a nice big flat screen monitor and my wacom tablet? Well, no. But it is…


Day 1324 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… People have been on me to write in my blog more. You know, I really should. I even have a topic in mind. As soon as I get caught up and have some time I’m going to do it too. And when I do, I’ll need…


Day 1323 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Steph and I have been catching a lot of movies lately. It’s nice. Tonight we went out to see Hottub Time Machine. It was quite funny, actually. I always enjoy a nice 80s flashback, and that John Cusack, he’s so dreamy. Ummm… never mind. 365 days


Day 1320 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… In the midst of all my comic making craziness, I’ve been working on doing promotion as well. In any venue I could. I went on the Wrestling Mayhem Show as a guest (you know, what with being a pro-wrestler and all) and to pimp the comic.…

Ten of Staffs

Ten of Staffs

It’s been a while since I posted new Tarot Cards. I’ve just been too busy to work on them. But I did shoot some new ones the other day with. As always, the aces and tens have the same person on them (an exception to the rule of not using the same person for two cards) in the same pose.

This is Weisbrg32(MM#1546055) who had the perfect abercrombie look for the staff cards.

Ace of Staffs

Ace of Staffs

It’s been a while since I posted new Tarot Cards. I’ve just been too busy to work on them. But I did shoot some new ones the other day with. As always, the aces and tens have the same person on them (an exception to the rule of not using the same person for two cards) in the same pose.

This is Weisbrg32(MM#1546055) who had the perfect abercrombie look for the staff cards.


Day 1319 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… I didn’t really feel like taking a pic this day. I no longer even remember why. Ok, that’s the sucky part of this whole being overworked for no pay thing. As creative as I’ve been being, I’m completely burned out a lot of the time. 365…


Day 1318 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… Once comicon is over, I’ll hopefully be back to a regular posting schedule You gotta love that whole new global community thing. I’ve been playing Scrabble (well, "Words With Friends" but basically Scrabble) with people over the iPhone lately. This is a game I was playing…