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Tag: photoshop


Day 751 of 365 Again. It’s Labor Day weekend. A time of relaxing. That’s what I tried to do today. Spent the day at home hanging out with Steph. Something we don’t get enough time to do lately. We had a little BBQ (again) and hung out outside and talked. When I wasn’t doing that,…



Day 639 of 365 More.

21 months. That’s how long I’ve been doing this. It’s been a whirlwind journey. People keep asking me how I keep going after all this time. Honestly, I don’t know. There are days like today when I don’t have an idea at all. Where I don’t feel like going on. And yet, I just kinda do. It’s weird. At this point I’d just feel wrong if I DIDN’T take a picture. So I do. Whether I have an idea or not. 639 days and I just feel like I’ve taken every picture there is to take. And yet I’ll come up with one tomorrow too. *sigh* Clearly, I got problems.

I think one of the things sapping my creativity with 365 is that I’ve found other outlets. Cosmic Hellcats is going really well. I’m very proud of it. The most recent episode is up, so go check it out. Max and I will be doing an art show on Saturday where we will be displaying it.

I’ve also gotten back into working on my tarot deck. I still have a couple more cards shot but that I need to edit and some that I want to redo. Maybe I’ll actually finish it and be able to sell it one of these days.

But not today. I think I maybe even like this picture, but I just am not feeling creative at the moment at all.

Blah… being an artist is hard.

365 days


Day 636 of 365 More. One of the nice things about the 365 project when I started was that it gave me time to practice a photoshop technique here or there that I had been wanting to play with. Over time, I kind of got away from that. In fact, I don’t even remember the…


Day 630 of 365 More. I was looking at my pics from the last month or so and I realized it had been a while since I was in explore. And looking closer, I realized it honestly had been a while since I deserved to be. Ever since starting the comic, I’ve kinda let anything…


Day 383 of 365 More. Gentlemen…we can rebuild him. Bigger! Stronger! Better in bed! I actually initially had this idea about a week ago when watching a commercial for the new Bionic Woman series that’s coming out this fall. Then when I talked about all of my lifelong injuries the other day I figured I…


Day 382 of 365 More. Not my initial idea for today, but I just didn’t have the time to get done what I was planning. Saw a bobblehead doll on our bookshelf and decided it might be cute to make myself into one. Personal note to myself. Save early and often. Even when you’re just…


Day 368 of 365 More. This photo really has nothing to do wtih what I did today at all. Honestly I didn’t do much of anything today. Spent the morning working on my book, then editing photos from the waterfall shoot (coming soon, I swear) and finally went out for drinks with my friend Ryan…


Day 305 of 365 days. Yet another day. Yet another GFY from yet another job. Spent the morning being depressed about that, while working on tarot cards and other photoshoot stuff. Then, Steph asked me to drive out to her office and have lunch with her at Sree’s (one of our favorite Indian Restaurants) which…


Day 297 of 365 days. Long day. Kind of depressing, but I’m doing better now. Not really much I want to talk about. Really, its just more of the same. So instead I’ll just "sit back down and have a beer and feel sorry for myself." I had been meaning to try this for a…


Day 288 of 365 days. And I sank into a depression so deep I crawled into a bottle of vodka and didn’t come out for 6 years. Ok, not really. Actually, I feel pretty ok today, but I thought of this shot when I was depressed and drinking vodka a week or so ago. Just…


Day 263 of 365 days. When last we left our intrepid hero he was walking along the train tracks in search of adventure. Ok, so the damndest thing happened since yesterday. There I was riding the rails, walking against the wind, traveling from town to town, deflowering farmer’s daughters, being run out by sheriffs, that…


Day 229 of 365 days. I had this idea a while back and never got around to it til today. I kind of like the concept and I’m thinking of revisiting it for the Mage card in my tarot deck with whoever I decide to make that card. I definitely need to come up with…


Day 220 of 365 days. I had made up my mind yesterday to do a Matrix picture today. For a couple reasons. One, I enjoyed my Scarface poster from the other day. And also, this weeks Class With Dave assignment was to do a Matrix inspired picture. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a very strong idea.…