ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: porch


Day 1123 of 365 Again. And so ends another working man’s holiday. Spent the day working on administrative stuff for the comic. Got very little accomplished sadly. But I did get the next several strips written. Hopefully Max will catch up tomorrow and I can get Thursday’s done in time. Oh well. At least I…


Day 983 of 365 Again. Someone told me tonight that you have to believe in the universe. That you have faith and everything will work out. It’s not that I don’t believe in the universe or god or anything like that. It’s that if one exists I think it’s clear that it doesn’t like me…


Day 289 of 365 days. Look, its a rare look into Mav’s daily life, shot. I remember when i used to do these all the time. No it’s once a week at best. Went to a "Day Before Memorial Day BBQ." Had a good time sitting on the porch and talking about a multitude of…


Day 243 of 365 days. Way back in August before I started this project, I had a house party. In fact, it was the grandmama of all house parties. The fabled pajama jammy jam. It was a really good party and everyone had a lot of fun, but there was a small bit of collateral…


Day 225 of 365 days. Got home just before midnight last night from a wrestling show, after not really sleeping the night before. Went to sleep and now I’m off to another show that I won’t be home from til 2am probably. Sometimes this hobby is more demanding than a "real" job. I suppose I…