I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.
Tag: redhead
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Sarah daydreaming
by mav • • 17 Comments
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Sarah Portrait
by mav • • 2 Comments
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Sarah wonder
by mav • • 2 Comments
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Sarah mischeif
by mav • • 2 Comments
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Sarah – Carry a Big Stick
by mav • • 2 Comments
Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.
I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.
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Sarah – Digital Angel
by mav • • 11 Comments
Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.
I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.
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Sarah laying 2
by mav • • 16 Comments
Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.
I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.
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Sarah laying
by mav • • 9 Comments
Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.
I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.
Used in LJ Post: chrismaverick.livejournal.com/253534.html
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Three of Swords
by mav • • 17 Comments
In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.
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Three of Swords (alternate)
by mav • • 9 Comments
In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.
This one stars Laurie. More shots of her coming later.
EDIT: Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering if I should drop the left bar altogether and just let people wonder if it’s a mirror or two different girls. Opinions?