ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: shadows


Day 804 of 365 Again. There, costume done. You didn’t see this one coming, did you? Ok, maybe not, but life would be a lot easier if this was my actual Halloween costume. In any case, The outfit is well underway and it’s coming along nicely. On top of that, we went out and got…


Day 803 of 365 Again. Still working on my Halloween costume. Don’t you just love the way he drama is building? I thought so. I know it doesn’t look like much. hell, it acutally doesn’t look like anything. But trust me, it’s all part of the process and we’re well underway. This is going to…


Day 802 of 365 Again. I’m gonna let ’em know that Dolemite is back on the scene! I’m gonna let ’em know that Dolemite is my name, and fuckin’ up motha fuckas is my game! So long, you rat soup-eatin’ motha-FUCKA! (I was all set to write something memorable here tonight for all my regular…


Day 801 of 365 Again. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Every year I have a big party and spend months making an elaborate costume. Or at least usually. This year I didn’t plan ahead. I’ve just been too busy. I decided a few days ago that i was still going to have a party but…


Day 800 of 365 Again. 800 days. Wow. Well, the radio show co-hosting gig I thought I had today was cancelled. Or at least postponed. Oh well, that was exciting for a minute. Maybe for the best anyway. I really hadn’t planned or prepared for it. And it meant that I got to spend the…


Day 798 of 365 Again. Sometimes people just can’t read. Welcome to the internet. I received not one, but two messages today letting me know that my Day 68 photo was linked on some website by someone woman having to do with men’s bad ideas. The gist of of both people’s messages was that the…


Day 796 of 365 Again. If they ever make a Cloak and Dagger movie, I want to play Cloak. Maybe opposite Scarlett Johannsson. Or if you want to get way out there with the casting and take a chance, Jesse Jane. Sorry I haven’t bee answering people’s comments lately. I need to get back into…


Day 795 of 365 Again. Well, I did three shots in a row without resorting to the studio. That’s something, right? Not much interesting going on today. Went to work, came home, had dinner with Steph and watched TV while working on the comic and some photos. Blah… still feeling really tired and burned out.…



yet more pics of andi as I work my way through the series. I’m glad we got such good stuff.

I think it’s funny that even when I’m doing something outdoors, on location,I still end up using such heavy almost studio, blacks and shadows. I guess it’s just me.

This may be my favorite shot in a long time.



yet more pics of andi as I work my way through the series. I’m glad we got such good stuff.

I think it’s funny that even when I’m doing something outdoors, on location,I still end up using such heavy almost studio, blacks and shadows. I guess it’s just me.



yet more pics of andi as I work my way through the series. I’m glad we got such good stuff.

I think it’s funny that even when I’m doing something outdoors, on location,I still end up using such heavy almost studio, blacks and shadows. I guess it’s just me.


Day 791 of 365 Again. After yesterday’s shot I was still in the mood to do some stupid special effect camera tricks, so I asked Steph to help me out. This is yet another no photoshop, all in camera shot. I think it turned out pretty well. I’ve been exhausted lately. Shoots, work, comic… I…


Day 790 of 365 Again. Really, I’m still bogged down with everything, but I just didn’t feel like taking another boring shot in front of the black backdrop. So I thought to myself, "Self, how can you take an interesting shot in front of the black backdrop?" I couldn’t come up with anything, and it…


Day 789 of 365 Again. It’s funny. Sometimes I overthink things. Ever since I started writing the Cosmic Hellcats webcomic, I had a very definite idea of where the story was going. In fact the joke in the Oct 9th edition is one that i thought up at the very beginning, like five months ago…