Trying to catch up on more photoshoot photos. Here’s some more from my series with Leia. Still more to come, hopefully I get to them sooner rather than later.
Tag: shadows
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Leia 4
by mav • • 0 Comments
It was a rare night at home when I wasn’t overwhelmed with working on Cosmic Hellcats so I decided to spend the evening working on my backlog of photoshoots to edit. This is Leia who posed for the Four of Cups in my tarot deck. I took plenty of extra shots of her, so it’s about time I started posting some.
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Leia 3
by mav • • 0 Comments
It was a rare night at home when I wasn’t overwhelmed with working on Cosmic Hellcats so I decided to spend the evening working on my backlog of photoshoots to edit. This is Leia who posed for the Four of Cups in my tarot deck. I took plenty of extra shots of her, so it’s about time I started posting some.
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Leia 2
by mav • • 4 Comments
It was a rare night at home when I wasn’t overwhelmed with working on Cosmic Hellcats so I decided to spend the evening working on my backlog of photoshoots to edit. This is Leia who posed for the Four of Cups in my tarot deck. I took plenty of extra shots of her, so it’s about time I started posting some.
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Leia 1
by mav • • 1 Comment
It was a rare night at home when I wasn’t overwhelmed with working on Cosmic Hellcats so I decided to spend the evening working on my backlog of photoshoots to edit. This is Leia who posed for the Four of Cups in my tarot deck. I took plenty of extra shots of her, so it’s about time I started posting some.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 6 Comments
Day 657 of 365 More.
So, like I said, I got fan art from Helder. It’s posted on the Cosmic Hellcats website so check it out.
Went to my weekly poker game tonight. I’ve been playing really well lately. In fact, tonight I’d say that I played better than anyone else. I had the chip lead pretty much the entire night. And then I lost it all in a series of bad breaks right at the end. So 3 hour of poker and nothing to show for it. *sigh* Somebody up there definitely hates me.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 13 Comments
Day 652 of 365 More.
It’s a hockey night in Pittsburgh!
Tonight was the first day of the Stanley Cup championships. I’m not nearly as big a hocky fan as I am of football, but on a night like this, I have to support the team.
Fat lot of good it did us.
We got blown out 4-0. Luckily, its a long series, so hopefully we’ll get them next time.
Actually, I had kind of predicted the blow out. I’m in a pool at work for the cup. I predicted that the Pens would win the series in 6 games with a total score of 11 points. When Steph asked me how they were only going to have 11 points after 6 games, I told her they were going to get blown out in at least one game, and win another 1-0, so really its only about scoring 10 points in 3 games. Much more reasonable.
Also filmed the podcast today. In a total surprise, 2 min. into the show, Stephen introduced my mom. Apparently he was in the area, so they filmed the episode from her house. It was a total surprise to me, and pretty much the whole show is just about embarrassing me. Still, it was a fun time. I can’t wait to see how the final broadcast turns out.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 15 Comments
Day 651 of 365 More.
You know, I used to actually be good at this stuff. I really was. I was so good I even got into a pretty exclusive art school.
Of course, they ruined me.
I swear, I’m not fishing for compliments. This is not an attempt to make people come out of the woodwork saying "you are good." And its not an attempt to belittle anyone who thinks they don’t draw as well as me.
It’s just that I’m not happy with where my pencilling skills are right now. To be fair, I’m not the same person I was. The person I used to be drew every day for 11 years or so. The person I am today misses that and has been trying to recapture it for 3 days.
I guess I can’t expect magic over night.
I just don’t know if I can expect magic at all. The thing is, it just doesn’t work how it used to. The thing that makes me a good(i think) photographer is that I see the composition I want in my mind long before I ever actually snap the shot. I’ve always said, I’m not really a photographer. I’m an artist. I just draw with a camera now.
Drawing used to be the same way. I used to just see what I wanted in my mind and then it was a simple matter of tracing that image on the page. I still want to be able to do that, but the motor skill just aren’t there anymore.
I wonder if I’m doomed. I wonder if its just my lack of drive. I used to love drawing. If I was sitting in a class, listening to a lecture, and not paying attention, I’d look down at my notebook and find out that I had absentmindedly doodled the person sitting in front of me. That doesn’t happen anymore. Now I am pushing myself. And I’m not doing it out of love, I’m doing it out of regret. Trying to recapture I once had for the simple reason that I want to draw my own comic. There’s not even a good reason for that. I’m quite happy with the job Max is doing on Hellcats. And really, I have no real desire to take his reigns and do the daily art chores. But if we’re going to do this series of solo stories, I want to draw one of them.
Mostly just so I can say I did, I guess.
*sigh* I may never get there.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 29 Comments
Day 649 of 365 More.
It was a dark and stormy night. Business hadn’t been great. The dames were even worse. You know how it goes. I gave Miss Jones the night off and shut myself up in my office and decided to crawl inside a bottle of Old Number 7 and tried to wait it all out.
I heard the knock at the front door, but with no Miss Jones to answer, I thought maybe if I just stayed quiet whoever it was would go away.
No such luck.
That’s when she walked in. A pretty face, stems up to here and a rack that could cause traffic accidents. The dame wore red. She smelled like money. She said she needed help. She said she could pay.
Her name was Trouble.
Or it might as well have been. I could smell it a mile away. You could have driven a ’49 Olds through the holes in her story. But what was I gonna do? A man could get lost in those eyes for days and I’m a sucker for a pretty face. Besides, this broad would do anything for my help and I hadn’t done the nasty in nearly a week. Sometimes you just gotta roll the dice and hope for the six the hardway. And sometimes you crap out.
My name is Philip Marlowe.
Trouble is my business.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 37 Comments
Day 647 of 365 More.
So, I say all the time that I never expected 365 to really take off the way it did. I would really have been happy if there were 20 people in the group on my first day, but now every time I look at the stats and see it’s over 8500 people all over the world, I am astounded.
The group has gotten so big and so amazing that a month ago, my mother decided to organize the members to pay tribute to me and my awesomeness.
So I kind of expect my mother and Steph to do stuff like this, because for some crazy reason, they claim to actually love me. I even expect it of Jameel since he’s spent the better part of his adult life, laying in bed at night and dreaming that he might one day be the Maverick. I’m happy they participated, but its no surprise.
The real surprise is the other 130-odd people who have also copycatted one of my photos in the last 24 hours.
I’m sorry I can’t go through and comment on each and every one of you (just flipping through the pool and working on this pic ate up my whole night and kept me from working on the next episode of Cosmic Hellcats which I had planned on working on tonight (and if you aren’t reading my webcomic, shame on you. Go check it out now! End cheap plug…), but let me just say that viewing the whole thing really made my day. So thank you to all who participated.
When I first heard about this, my immediate thought was "hmm, I wonder how many catholic school girl pics there are going to be today?" I kinda guessed that there might be one from like_shipwrecks and I was was so sure that PhotoKat would do one, that I would have bet my life on it. But the entries from er3465, evaxebra and gaymay were nice surprises. And it was great going through the pool and seeing other people’s takes on all my other ideas.
So thank you to everyone who participated and feel free to make it a yearly occurrence. Maybe next year we’ll all get off work. 🙂
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 7 Comments
Day 640 of 365 More.
How do you become popular?
That probably sounds funny coming from me. By all rights, I am popular. The funny thing is, I don’t really know how I did it. A bunch of people started reading my blog because presumedly they find my random ranting and raving (ie. being myself) amusing. Even more people follow my flickr stream, presumedly because I’m not an awful photographer and I happen to take a lot of pictures of hot babes. And even more people joined 365 days because, I guess at heart we’re all egotistical narcissists. I wanted all of those things to become popular. But I don’t know that I really did anything, other than kinda build what I wanted to, and what I wanted happened to be the winning formula. Yay, go me.
But then we have my other projects. the 365 podcast gets maybe 200 people watching it every week. Which is nice. Really it is. Don’t get me wrong. But with the amount of work we (and especially Stephen) put into it, you’d kinda wish it was 10 times that. And Cosmic Hellcats is totally consuming my life these days (its why I’m up at 3am yet again) as well as Max’s life and by our estimate, we have MAYBE 50 people checking the site regularly. That’s it. Really, I don’t expect to be rich. It’d be nice. But really, I’m just looking for appreciated right now. It’s a hell of a lot of work for just amusing 50 people. Likely 50 people who are already amused by my blog or 365 anyway.
So what am I missing? How do I pimp the site? We don’t really want to spend money on advertising, per se (at least not yet). But I’d love it if I was sure there was a word of mouth thing going on. But I don’t know how to get that started. Honestly, I don’t really know for sure that anyone is following the storyline at all.
Are you? Does anyone really care or are we just annoying people? And if you like it, have you recommended it to other people?’
What about the podcast? Same thing.
Speaking of the podcast, the reason I look all grainy and gritty here is because the mini-challenge this week is to do textured photos. Here is mine. The texture was taken with a 300mm macro lens. It’s the side of my neighbors stone staircase to his porch. The portrait was taken in my studio.
So anyway… help me out. How do I become popular so I can take over the world?
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 15 Comments
Day 639 of 365 More.
21 months. That’s how long I’ve been doing this. It’s been a whirlwind journey. People keep asking me how I keep going after all this time. Honestly, I don’t know. There are days like today when I don’t have an idea at all. Where I don’t feel like going on. And yet, I just kinda do. It’s weird. At this point I’d just feel wrong if I DIDN’T take a picture. So I do. Whether I have an idea or not. 639 days and I just feel like I’ve taken every picture there is to take. And yet I’ll come up with one tomorrow too. *sigh* Clearly, I got problems.
I think one of the things sapping my creativity with 365 is that I’ve found other outlets. Cosmic Hellcats is going really well. I’m very proud of it. The most recent episode is up, so go check it out. Max and I will be doing an art show on Saturday where we will be displaying it.
I’ve also gotten back into working on my tarot deck. I still have a couple more cards shot but that I need to edit and some that I want to redo. Maybe I’ll actually finish it and be able to sell it one of these days.
But not today. I think I maybe even like this picture, but I just am not feeling creative at the moment at all.
Blah… being an artist is hard.
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Six of Staffs 2
by mav • • 3 Comments
I actually already did a 6 of Staffs card a while back before Dyllan moved to Hawaii. But over time I’ve started liking it less and less, so I decided to redo it with another pic from the shoot. I’m actually pretty happy with this version. Hopefully the message comes across better.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 6 Comments
Day 638 of 365 More.
Spent the day coloring the next episode of Hellcats. It’s not due up til Monday, so I’m ahead of schedule. Woohoo. If I can get Thursday’s episode done tomorrow, I’ll be in really good shape.
After I filmed the 365 Days podcast with Stephen and I tried to figure out what shot to do for today. Steph was watching Law and Order: Criminally Bad Acting. The suspect was a writer. They were looking at his headshot, ad they determined he was an author because of the pic. Why? Because he had his fist under his chin and "all authors do that, it hides the double chin." I thought about it for a moment, and they were actually write. That is totally the classic author pose. So I had my picture for today.
There, I’m a real author now. Now all I have to do is be seduced into a threesome by a homicidal lesbian madame and one of her callgirls and then framed for the murder of the callgirl by said madame and feel so distraught that I hang myself in my cell, after failing to do so twice. God that show is really bad.
Edited a couple Tarot Cards tonight. The first in a long time. Check them out.