ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: shadows

Sarah laying 2

Sarah laying 2

You know, I actually made those T-shirts to sell on my website years ago and never really got many sells. I wonder if I posted some of these pics if I could sell more.

Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.

I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.

Sarah laying

Sarah laying

You know, I actually made those T-shirts to sell on my website years ago and never really got many sells. I wonder if I posted some of these pics if I could sell more.

Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.

I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.

Used in LJ Post:


Day 343 of 365 days. I wonder how many days in a row I can just take a picture of me just holding something in front of me in my studio and keep it interesting. So I had my job interview today. I actually thought it went better than any I’ve been to in a…


Day 342 of 365 days. Steph and I finally got our Who Wants to be a Millionaire. We will not be appearing on the show as a couple or individually. Honestly I wasn’t really expecting much, but it’s really par for the course. Now I’m getting GFYs from TV game shows. I did manage to…

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Two days, two tarot cards in a row. It’s like I’m on a roll.

Adam posed for this card while my computer was in the shop. I really wanted to find a way to really take advantage of the drawing style of the sword cards and still be kind of dynamic. This is what I came up with. All the Eight cards are going to have the symbol incorporated into them as part of the design.


Day 341 of 365 days. And the hits just keep on coming… I had a bunch of errands to run today. I needed to get matting and framing supplies for my art show and I needed to get prizes for Jammy Jam. Mostly I’m done, I need to get one more, but that’s where the…

Nine of Staffs

Nine of Staffs

It’s been a while since I posted a new Tarot card. I actually had to take a break from it when my computer was in the shop. While it was down D and Adam were in town to pose for their cards. I finished editing D’s tonight. Adam’s will be up soon though, and I’m probably shooting two more this week as well. I need to get some more of the guy cards done. Never thought I’d say that.

Anyway, I was concerned about this one. I was worried that D’s green hair would come across as too punk and not preppy enough to be a staff card, but upon completion I think the hair color combined with the thong and the fire just make the card a little edgier witout moving her into goth per se. She’s certainly not A&F here, but I’d still think she was kind of trendy. Opinions?


Day 338 of 365 days. Today was pretty bittersweet. I actually had a great day. Steph and I drove out to West Virginia to visit Amaya. She and her roommate took us up into the mountains to hang out at a waterfall. It wasn’t really a photoshoot. More of a picnic. We took beer and…


Day 336 of 365 days. Ok, I’m maybe a little neurotic. Maybe a little. This is probably one of the most personal posts I’ve made in a long time. As I sit here editing it, I realize more and more how hard it is to admit these things out loud to anyone especially the entire…


Day 333 of 365 days. In case you’re wondering, we actually have central air in our house, but Steph won’t let me use it until I have a job. Actually, once I do, I expect she’ll continue to not let me use it because of something about saving the environment or something. *shrug* Anyway, its…


Day 328 of 365 days. So, I probably have a job. At least for a little while. It’s not really what I want, but I think I’ll be able to do it. You know, if the soul sucking corporate machine doesn’t make me drink myself into oblivion. As of right now, its a contract and…


Day 326 of 365 days. If I don’t have a job soon, I’m just going to give up and move under a bridge, grow a hunchback and start collecting tolls. A company I used to work for called me yesterday and asked me to come in to interview for a position this afternoon. I also…


Day 324 of 365 days. So today’s picture really has nothing to do with my day. I had just been wanting to blow bubbles in a pic for a while. And since yesterday I was blowing smoke and the day before I was blowing my brains out, it seemed like a good time. Today was…

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

I’ve been amazed at how well received the Maverick Tarot project has been. I’ve actually heard from any number of people who want to be a part of it, some as far away as Iowa.

Tiffini wrote me on myspace saying she’d seen a link to my Model Mayhem profile and wanted to be a part of the project. She’d never modeled before, but when has that ever stopped me. And besides, she was excited to give modeling a try. She told me she’d be visiting friends in Pittsburgh soon, and so I figured I’d have to fit her in while she was here. It’s tricky trying to place a model having not met her in person, and when she doesn’t have really good professional shots to give me a feel for her look, but I was able to gauge from other shots that I might want to try her for my five of swords. Defeat. My five cards are all injured or dead people. And it took some playing around but I think I got the look I wanted with this one. And she didn’t even mind me getting "blood" all over her nice white skirt!