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Tag: shadows

Three of Swords (alternate)

Three of Swords (alternate)

I wasn’t sure about this idea at first, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.

This one stars Laurie. More shots of her coming later.

EDIT: Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m wondering if I should drop the left bar altogether and just let people wonder if it’s a mirror or two different girls. Opinions?

Laurie in the window

Laurie in the window

Like most of my recent models, I met Laurie on Model Mayhem. I actually saw her as a preppy staff card type for my Tarot Set, but she told me she really wanted to try to be one of the sword cards. The more I talked to her, the more I liked the idea of using her there. She has a very versatile look and that ended up being perfect for the idea of the 3 cards, a reflection of the one suit in another.

And because I love this pic and I thought it would be cool to use 3 pics from the same shoot for all three CWD assignments, I am also using it as cwd223: U2. The song: Window in the Skies

Oh, can’t you see what love has done
To every broken heart
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
For every heart that cries
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
Love left a window in the skies
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
And to love I rhapsodize

Laurie eyes

Laurie eyes

Like most of my recent models, I met Laurie on Model Mayhem. I actually saw her as a preppy staff card type for my Tarot Set, but she told me she really wanted to try to be one of the sword cards. The more I talked to her, the more I liked the idea of using her there. She has a very versatile look and that ended up being perfect for the idea of the 3 cards, a reflection of the one suit in another.

Also used as Class with Dave assignment: Eyes


Day 307 of 365 days. Little known fact. The bible doesn’t actually mention what the forbidden fruit is. Most people just assume its an apple. But it doesn’t say that anywhere. I like to think it was a clementine. Why? Because clementines are just too perfect. They’re like sweet, little, baby oranges. Allow me a…