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Tag: shadows


Day 301 of 365 days. I’m not really anywhere near as depressed as I probably look in this picture. If anything, I’m actually more kind of tired. I really didn’t do much of anything today. My friends who were hanging out last night left this morning, and I alternated between taking naps and cleaning most…


Day 300 of 365 days. Ok, yeah… who has known me for more than like 20 seconds and couldn’t see this one coming. I can’t believe I’ve gotten this far. Half the time, it hardly seems like I’ve been doing this project a month, and the other half the time I can’t remember ever NOT…


Day 297 of 365 days. Long day. Kind of depressing, but I’m doing better now. Not really much I want to talk about. Really, its just more of the same. So instead I’ll just "sit back down and have a beer and feel sorry for myself." I had been meaning to try this for a…


Day 296 of 365 days. So, I’ve had a bunch of guest stars in my 365 shots lately (mostly models during photoshoots do to sheer laziness) but its been quite a while since I featured Steph in a picture. I had really been wanting to, so i decided today would be the day. Of course…


Day 295 of 365 days. Another day, another photoshoot. But what made this one interesting was that it wasn’t one of my own. Renaissance Woman (top middle) who you will remember from my 5-23-07 shot liked the look of one of my models, Shiima (bottom right) and wanted to use him for a shoot, so…



This may be the naughtiest card so far in the tarot set, but in a lot of ways I think its the most powerful I’ve done so far. Amaya has a lot of experience doing fetish modeling and when I met her I knew she was perfect for what I wanted to do with this card. I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

Steph was concerned that maybe the concept and visuals were a little over the top, but I like it, not just because of the raw sexuality of it, but I felt like it told a very real story with a single image.

Would love comments on this.


Day 294 of 365 days. Had a job interview today. In many ways it actually gave me renewed faith in the UI design industry. It was for a full-time position (as opposed to a contract, as I normally work) and it seemed like the company was actually interested in doing what i call "good work"…



It’s been a tarot filled day. This is the last card I have completed (and shot for that matter) and since I don’t yet have any shoots scheduled this week (that may change) this may be the last one for a while.

This is also the first time in the deck that I have resorted to using stock footage. I have been against it for the most part, preferring to only use my own images, but I don’t seem to have a way of getting far enough out into the atmosphere to get a decent earth picture, so I was forced to rely on NASA to do it for me. The image is of course public domain. But still, it would have been nice to only use my own images. I suppose I could have left the background empty on this card, but I kind of felt like the four astronomy cards (World, Moon, Sun, Star) worked better with mild backgound elements. So the compromise is there.

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

I’m much happier with this card than the last one I did. It turned out exactly how I had originally envisioned it. My only real worry being if its too hokey having a rifle with bayonet as a sword. If I have a complaint, it’s that the gun is SO big that I had to be farther away from him than I really wanted to be. That might be ok.

Anyway, comments welcome and more to come.