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Tag: shoes


Day 929 of 365 Again. Whew… So like I said, I haven’t really been working out since I started working again. At least not as regular as I was when I was unemployed. that means I got fat and out of shape. Well, now I’m trying to fix that. Did cardio again today. Heavy cardio.…


Day 725 of 365 More. So I’ve been seriously slacking off with my workouts lately, and I’ve paid for it. When I weighed in last week I was a full ten pounds over where I was last Jammy Jam. And Jammy Jam is all about being sexy. That’s the impetus I needed to get back…


Day 216 of 365 days. The kids have been wearing these crazy shoes lately with roller skates built in. There have even been a few news stories about them (don’t let your kids wear Heelys, they’ll bust their skulls). I’ve seen 8-year-olds zipping around the mall on them from time to time in the last…


Day 204 of 365 days. Witness the grandmother of all back up shots. It was a pretty long day. First I got a rejection letter in the mail for a job that claims I interviewed well, but I don’t remember even applying for, much less interviewing for. From there, Steph and I went to Gina’s…