Shot a Zivity set of Miaa(MM#238308) a while back. Usually once a set is accepted it could be a month or more before it goes up. This time though it went up right away. Which is nice because today happens to be her birthday. So if you’re a zivity member go to my page and check it out and if you’re not a member go there and join. There’s lots more where these came from.
Tag: shoes
Imported From Flickr, Photoshoot
by mav • • 0 Comments
Shot a Zivity set of Miaa(MM#238308) a while back. Usually once a set is accepted it could be a month or more before it goes up. This time though it went up right away. Which is nice because today happens to be her birthday. So if you’re a zivity member go to my page and check it out and if you’re not a member go there and join. There’s lots more where these came from.
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 2 Comments
365 Days, Imported From Flickr
by mav • • 5 Comments
Imported From Flickr, Photoshoot
Laurie’s shoes
by mav • • 0 Comments
Like most of my recent models, I met Laurie on Model Mayhem. I actually saw her as a preppy staff card type for my Tarot Set, but she told me she really wanted to try to be one of the sword cards. The more I talked to her, the more I liked the idea of using her there. She has a very versatile look and that ended up being perfect for the idea of the 3 cards, a reflection of the one suit in another.