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Tag: strength

Nine of Staffs

Nine of Staffs

It’s been a while since I posted a new Tarot card. I actually had to take a break from it when my computer was in the shop. While it was down D and Adam were in town to pose for their cards. I finished editing D’s tonight. Adam’s will be up soon though, and I’m probably shooting two more this week as well. I need to get some more of the guy cards done. Never thought I’d say that.

Anyway, I was concerned about this one. I was worried that D’s green hair would come across as too punk and not preppy enough to be a staff card, but upon completion I think the hair color combined with the thong and the fire just make the card a little edgier witout moving her into goth per se. She’s certainly not A&F here, but I’d still think she was kind of trendy. Opinions?



There’s a funny thing about shooting a tarot deck, that you might have noticed if you’ve been paying attention. I have a lot more female models than male ones. Even for the cards that have to be naked, its just a lot easier to find women willing to pose for the deck than men. Its funny, because in real life, you’d expect the exact opposite.

Luckily, I have a large selection of professional wrestling friends to draw from when I need male models. Joe was willing to pose for my strength card.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out as well. Pretty much exactly what I was going for. BUt still comments and criticism highly welcome.

26 cards done. That’s 1/3 of the way through. Whee!