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Tag: stu

X-Wheel of Fortune – alternate

X-Wheel of Fortune - alternate

Another day, another Tarot card. I’m not totally sure how I feel about this one. It just doesn’t feel right to me. I think mostly I’m not happy with my lighting job this time and I think the concept might have been too literal and obvious almost campy. I don’t know. This may be one that I have to reshoot or come up with a different concept for. It just doesn’t feel right to me right now.

Would love to hear opinions and comments.

Stu portrait

Stu portrait

It’s been a while since I had someone sit for me to shoot who had never modeled for anyone ever before, so in a lot of ways I looked forward to shooting Stu more than anyone else. I was amazed at how comfortable she was with the whole concept.

Stu sitting

Stu sitting

It’s been a while since I had someone sit for me to shoot who had never modeled for anyone ever before, so in a lot of ways I looked forward to shooting Stu more than anyone else. I was amazed at how comfortable she was with the whole concept.

Stu sitting 2

Stu sitting 2

It’s been a while since I had someone sit for me to shoot who had never modeled for anyone ever before, so in a lot of ways I looked forward to shooting Stu more than anyone else. I was amazed at how comfortable she was with the whole concept.