ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: sun



It’s been a really long time since I posted a tarot card. The biggest problem is that I got to a point where I needed specific people in order to finish things off. I finally got one done today though with Viki. I needed the perfect "California Blonde" look for the sun card, and I think she pulled it off well.

Would love comments on this or any of the other Maverick Tarot cards.


Day 721 of 365 More. The media is trying to cover up my destroying of the sun. Trying to pretend like it never happened and that was just some run of the mill total solar eclipse. It could have happened whenever. BAH! We all know the truth. In reality I was completely successful. None of…


Day 482 of 365 More. Oddly, It turns out that it is exactly 34 weeks til my 34th birthday. I think that probably explains my recent midlife crisises that I’ve been experiencing. I need to find a way to shake out of it. Sure, I could go celebrate turning 34 by living every man’s fantasy…