ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: white


Day 592 of 365 More. I’m "waiting for the other shoe to drop." Get it? Hahah! It’s funny you see. Errm… I haven’t been sleeping much. I’m very used to being unhappy with life. I’m used to things not going well. But lately that isn’t the case. I’m still working. The podcast is going well…

Easter Bunny 2

Easter Bunny 2

I’ve come to the conclusion at this point that with the right lighting, makeup and poses, I could shoot Bea Arthur and make her ready for the cover of Maxim. Any woman can be sexy if she works it right. That said, Chaste doesn’t really need any help there. She’s been modeling a while and has plenty of "here’s me being sexy" shots. Sometimes, I want to just do something different. Something beyond "here’s a sexy girl in her underwear." Something fun.

So here’s a sexy girl in her underwear with the Easter Bunny.

Happy Easter

More to come…

Easter Bunny 1

Easter Bunny 1

I’ve come to the conclusion at this point that with the right lighting, makeup and poses, I could shoot Bea Arthur and make her ready for the cover of Maxim. Any woman can be sexy if she works it right. That said, Chaste doesn’t really need any help there. She’s been modeling a while and has plenty of "here’s me being sexy" shots. Sometimes, I want to just do something different. Something beyond "here’s a sexy girl in her underwear." Something fun.

So here’s a sexy girl in her underwear with the Easter Bunny.

Happy Easter

More to come…

Easter Bunny Kiss

Easter Bunny Kiss

I’ve come to the conclusion at this point that with the right lighting, makeup and poses, I could shoot Bea Arthur and make her ready for the cover of Maxim. Any woman can be sexy if she works it right. That said, Chaste doesn’t really need any help there. She’s been modeling a while and has plenty of "here’s me being sexy" shots. Sometimes, I want to just do something different. Something beyond "here’s a sexy girl in her underwear." Something fun.

So here’s a sexy girl in her underwear with the Easter Bunny.

Happy Easter

More to come…


Day 574 of 365 More. Did some shopping when I got off work. I have a shoot coming up on Monday with Chaste. She’s going to be one of the Hellcats in my comic. But I’ve never actually shot with her before, and we’re doing her tarot card on Monday, so we thought it’d be…

stu and jameel black and light 4

stu and jameel black and light 4

More pics from the Jameel and Stu from yesterday’s photoshoot. I’m quite happy with these couples shots. Even more so than the singles shots from yesterday. So well in fact that I’m tempted to make the whole show about them. But I like some of the other "black and light" shots I’ve already done with Leann.

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good about this series. Hopefully they’ll work well at my show.

stu and jameel black and light 3

stu and jameel black and light 3

More pics from the Jameel and Stu from yesterday’s photoshoot. I’m quite happy with these couples shots. Even more so than the singles shots from yesterday. So well in fact that I’m tempted to make the whole show about them. But I like some of the other "black and light" shots I’ve already done with Leann.

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good about this series. Hopefully they’ll work well at my show.

stu and jameel black and light 2

stu and jameel black and light 2

More pics from the Jameel and Stu from yesterday’s photoshoot. I’m quite happy with these couples shots. Even more so than the singles shots from yesterday. So well in fact that I’m tempted to make the whole show about them. But I like some of the other "black and light" shots I’ve already done with Leann.

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good about this series. Hopefully they’ll work well at my show.

stu and jameel black and light 1

stu and jameel black and light 1

More pics from the Jameel and Stu from yesterday’s photoshoot. I’m quite happy with these couples shots. Even more so than the singles shots from yesterday. So well in fact that I’m tempted to make the whole show about them. But I like some of the other "black and light" shots I’ve already done with Leann.

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good about this series. Hopefully they’ll work well at my show.

jameel black and light 1

jameel black and light 1

Had a photoshoot with Stu and Jameel. This one is probably going to be entirely "moderate" unfortunately. Which is a shame, because I am extremely happy with how it turned out.

Ultimate, I intend to use these for my exhibit at a photography show in two weeks.

A lot more to come, and I think the later ones are even better than these.

jameel black and light 2

jameel black and light 2

Had a photoshoot with Stu and Jameel. This one is probably going to be entirely "moderate" unfortunately. Which is a shame, because I am extremely happy with how it turned out.

Ultimate, I intend to use these for my exhibit at a photography show in two weeks.

A lot more to come, and I think the later ones are even better than these.

stu black and light 2

stu black and light 2

Had a photoshoot with Stu and Jameel. This one is probably going to be entirely "moderate" unfortunately. Which is a shame, because I am extremely happy with how it turned out.

Ultimate, I intend to use these for my exhibit at a photography show in two weeks.

A lot more to come, and I think the later ones are even better than these.