ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: white


Day 406 of 365 More. First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me the last couple days in the whole banning incident. It was a rough week, only my second at work, and I’m still getting used to the hours and the work, so I’ve been tired and exhausted every day…


Day 393 of 365 More. Woke up crazy early this morning (well, ok, 8am, but its a fucking Saturday) to take Steph to her parents house so that she can do some kind of charity bike ride. Sixty miles over two days sounds insane until you realize that her father and sister are doing the…


Day 371 of 365 More. I’m still in that slow "what did I get myself into" phase of this second year of self-portraits. Just not inspired. Hopefully that will pass soon. Called the job I wanted today. The good news is that they still haven’t made a choice so I’m not out of the running.…


Day 367 of 365 More. And on the 367th day he rested. I had actually intended to do this shot for my day 366. But after the response on my day 365 shot, I really felt like I had to dedicate a shot to my viewers. That bumped my resting day to today. I really…


Day 364 of 365 days. "I’m not merciful or blessed. I’m just me. I’ve got a job to do and I do it….When the first living thing existed, I was there. Waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I’ll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and…


Day 357 of 365 days. As this year of photos comes to a close you might notice that I am cramming in several of my back-up ideas I’ve had that I wanted to make sure are included in my book when its done. It was a pretty lazy friday. Mostly because it was too damn…


Day 293 of 365 days. Usually I’m not big on huge "everyone do this minichallenge this day" events. Mostly because I know there are people who pay attention to the Maverick 365 project that don’t pay attention to anyone else’s. And also because I have delusions of actually making a book and the mini challenges…


Day 282 of 365 days. So there I am, minding my own business, working on a shoot for the tarot project when all of a sudden, my studio was invaded by KGB shock troops who didn’t know the Cold War ended twenty years ago. There was much torture and pressure involved, utilizing a can of…

Damsel blows a kiss

Damsel blows a kiss

Liz came over to do her shoot for the Maverick Tarot set, where she is my Page of Swords. Never wanting to waste the opportunity at a good photoshoot with someone so babeliscious, we took a bunch of other shots as well.

Did the KGB have an equivalent of the USO? I really think this has the appeal of an old fashioned pinup shot… you know… accept the whole communist thing.

Liz Soft Light

Liz Soft Light

Liz came over to do her shoot for the Maverick Tarot set, where she is my Page of Swords. Never wanting to waste the opportunity at a good photoshoot with someone so babeliscious, we took a bunch of other shots as well.

This is a simple high key effect. I really like how well she blends into a white background. Obviously I do this trick with myself on black backgrounds a lot. But i like the alternate effect too.

Damsel Funny Face

Damsel Funny Face

Liz came over to do her shoot for the Maverick Tarot set, where she is my Page of Swords. Never wanting to waste the opportunity at a good photoshoot with someone so babeliscious, we took a bunch of other shots as well.

This was more of an outtake than anything else. I tend to talk and joke around with my models while I’m shooting. And sometimes I’ll snap a shot when they’re not really posing. Here’s Liz laughing and adjusting her shirt sleeve between poses.

Damsel – Commie Desktop

Damsel - Commie Desktop

Liz came over to do her shoot for the Maverick Tarot set, where she is my Page of Swords. Never wanting to waste the opportunity at a good photoshoot with someone so babeliscious, we took a bunch of other shots as well.

When we were doing her shoot, I took this half body shot and immediately said to her "you know, you’d make good desktop wallpaper." So I pulled this together and you know, I think I’m right.


Day 275 of 365 days. How in the name of all that is good and holy did people mow lawns before they invented hot tubs? I stayed up late last night working on my most recent tarot card.. I didn’t really intend to work on it all night, but once I got on a roll,…


Day 260 of 365 days. From sinful gothic glamour to cute family photos. Oh what a difference a day makes. My former roommates, Sam and Karen wanted me to take a family portrait for them today, so they came over to sit in the studio with their two kids. Sadly I couldn’t get Ted to…