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Tag: white

Mallory’s back

Mallory's back

Did a photoshoot with Shiima and Mallory today. These are the first three shots I finished from it. More to come, including two new tarot cards. Would love to hear people’s thoughts.

Mallory is a friend of Shiima’s and an asipring makeup artist. She did both her and Shiima’s makeup for this shoot, which I think turned out well. She’s also really cute. Yay for really cute.


Day 256 of 365 days. Part of me wonders if I am starting to lose my mind without having a day job. I was at every end of the multidimensional extreme today. I had about an hour of misery and uselessness as I fell into despair thinking I’m never going to find anything to pay…


Day 242 of 365 days. What with being constantly sick and then having a trip to that conference in Boston and then being constantly sick again, it occurred to me that I really hadn’t done anything superinteresting or fun for this project in a while. In a lot of ways I felt like I was…


Day 219 of 365 days. I’m always amazed at the kinds of toys kids have today. How much cooler they are than "back in my day." But the really odd thing about kids is how they can be amused by very simple things that maybe grown-ups take for granted. Steph and I went to a…


Day 212 of 365 days. One of my earliest ideas was to do a fetal position pic in this project. I just never really got around to it. Funny because it seemed like a really obvious backup picture to do. Turns out, not so much. First of all, I’m neurotic and certainly couldn’t just lay…


Day 208 of 365 days. I had been meaning to do this shot for a while. Ever since the lovely and talented (take that Amber :-P) Sassyshannon999 made her Inspired by the Film group. It suddenly occurs to me that Scarface is not among my 519 DVDs. Clearly that is some sort of oversight that…


Day 181 of 365 days. I originally actually had a different idea for today’s shot but I never got to it because I was busy thinking about my next photo project. Rather than just rush to finish my highly photoshop intensive idea and do a substandard job, I decided to take a picture detailing my…

Damsel, the cowgirl

Damsel, the cowgirl

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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Damsel, coy cowgirl

Damsel, coy cowgirl

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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Damsel laughing

Damsel laughing

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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Damsel with tilted fedora

Damsel with tilted fedora

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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Damsel smiling (B&W)

Damsel smiling (B&W)

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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Damsel with fedora

Damsel with fedora

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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