ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: year2



Day 682 of 365 More.

Blah… you know some days I just can’t think of anything interesting to say. Basically I just didn’t really do much today. I worked. I came home. Watched some TV. Shot the podcast. Tried to get some rest. Really, its the same basic thing I do every day.

I really need to inject some excitement into my life.

365 days



Day 680 of 365 More.

I should make an indy film.

I mean, lets be honest, I don’t really have time to make an indy film, but I would so love to. I actually studied screenwriting in college. I even know how to do it. And up until a few months ago when I decided to start writing a comic strip, I was basically wasting my whole creative writing degree, but now that I’m doing it, I totally love it. I love doing creative stuff, and I’m a total junkie for doing more.

While coloring Monday’s strip tonight, I sat down and watched Kisses and Caroms, and indy film that Amazon recommended to me. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a movie addict, so whenever I hear about a film that’s even half interesting sounding, i just kinda buy it on the theory that sooner or later I’ll want to watch it. So I picked up Kisses and Caroms. The reviews on Amazon kinda panned it, saying it was highly derivative of Kevin Smith. The thing is, I watch a LOT of indy film and 90% of it these days is highly derivative of Kevin Smith. Credit to Vince Rocca (the writer/director) he’s 18 billion times better at ripping off Smith than most people. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

So now I have something else to add to the list of things that I need to do with my life. ARRRGHHH!!!! I so don’t have time for this. I can’t get everything I need done now. Sooner or later, I’m really going to have to quit my job. A shame really, I actually kinda like my job, but having to work 8 hours a day is really depriving the world of like 33% of my creative genius, and I think the world deserves better than that.

I’m all giving that way.

In other words, I need your help America. Give me money. Go out and buy a copy of Hellcats. Buy my 365 Book. Hell, just paypal me a grand or two. The world is depending on you, the heroes to support me so I can make it a better place to live in.

Or, on the other hand, if there are any wealthy socialite trophy wives, bored of their rich husbands who want to set me up and be my benefactor/sugarmomma so I can afford to not work and spend my time creating great works of art, I am accepting applications. Oh, and I put out.

And I said, what about Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it."
Well I guess that’s one thing we’ve got.

365 days



Day 679 of 365 More.

I want to change my hair. I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while which is why I’ve let it grow so crazy. I think I want to get braids of some kind. I just can’t decide what.

Sometimes I think I want cornrows. Sometimes I think I want braids. I’m not sure which style of either. Every once in a while I really want to just go all natural and pick it out into a huge 70s afro. Unforunately, I don’t think that would allow me to exist in the day to day working society I have to frequent. Oh to be a full time artist.

Anyway, what do people think? I’m totally open to suggestions here.

365 days



Day 678 of 365 More.

Got a new 50mm lens. The world is good again.

Last year I dedicated a photo to Juneteenth. Sadly I was late doing it. I didn’t get around to doing the photo up til June 21st. Two days after Juneteenth. I considered it apropos as the entire point of Juneteenth is being late, but I vowed to make sure I did a commemorative Juneteenth photo on the right day this year.

For those of you who didn’t see last years photo, and are too lazy to click on the link, allow me to excerpt it and explain the meaning of Juneteenth:

The base idea of Juneteenth is that back on September 22, 1862, Abraham Lincoln announces that the civil war is over and that all slaves would be freemen effective the 1st of the year (you know, you can’t just end 200 years of slavery and oppression, you have to ween people off of it. Give Masa a chance for a few last beatings and rapes… and you know, the harvest was coming).

Two and a half years later, Union Soldiers by led by General Gordon Granger rode into to Texas and were surprised to find that, goshdarnit, there were still slaves there. Apparently "news hadn’t gotten that far." Of course, I’ve always felt that news had gotten that far and Whitey just decided that since the nigros couldn’t read, maybe if no one said anything out loud they’d never catch on. Anyway, on that day, the slaves were "freed" in Texas. Of course, General Granger advised them to continue doing the same work they were doing, living in the same houses they were living in and proceed exactly the same, you know… except now they would be getting paid (slaves wages). And thus slavery died and the ghetto was born.

I commemorate this joyous day by symbolically breaking free of my chains.

Yay! I’m free… And yet still poor… No 40 acres… No mule… hmmm… Can a nigga get a table dance?

So there you go. By the way, I have marked this pic flickr safe, even though technically I am naked. I figure, I’m a boy. I’m showing no naughty bits, it’s not even remotely sexual. Here’s hoping that I don’t get myself banned again. I’ve pretty much given up on explore. 🙂

Happy Juneteenth. Now how about that table dance?

365 days



Day 677 of 365 More.

There… The economy has been saved. Aren’t you glad? And with 4000 watts of studio power, it’s going to go really well, once I destroy the sun in a few weeks.

In other news, I got an IM from a friend of mine in the great state of Canada today, telling me to check out one of his favorite blogs. And imagine my surprise when I went there and saw someone raving about the awesomeness of my Secret Wars self-portrait. I dunno, it was just a small thing, and certainly not the first time someone has liked one of my shots, but somehow it just kinda made my day. So I did the only thing I could do, I left him a comic thanking him and pimping Cosmic Hellcats. A man’s gotta eat ya know? BTW, new episode out today so check it out.

My new lights shipped with one burnt out lightbulb. How weird is that. I have to remember to write them tomorrow and ask them to send me a replacement bulb.

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Day 676 of 365 More.

Well, my 50mm lens is still broken, but Amazon assures me that a new one has shipped.

I was stuck for an idea today and I kinda started wondering how well the broken lens would work. It has no ability to focus whatsoever, so it was kind of a challenge to move back and forth until I found a spot where I was totally in focus, but I think I nailed it pretty good.

Except for a slight crop (very slight, just got ride of a hair of blackspace on the side) this is right out of the camera. That’s something you don’t see from me very often.

365 days



Day 674 of 365 More.


So if anyone ever tells you wrestling is fake, do me a favor and find the hardest object you can and smack them over the head with it as hard as you can..

Today was the BDW anniversary show. I didn’t even have a match. Instead I was in the corner of my tag team partner, Bulldozer while he was in a "street fight" with Dash Bennet. For those who don’t follow wrestling, a street fight means that you don’t wear wrestling gear, you come as you are, weapons are allowed, and you beat the shit out of each other as anything goes and there’s no disqualification.

So I was sitting in the corner rooting my friend on, and keeping a safe distance in a totally fair and completely sportsmanlike manner, when for no reason whatsoever, that bastard Dash attacked me. I was forced to defend myself with the closest thing I could find, which was this here garbage can lid. Only, somehow when I was swinging the lid at Dash’s head, again, in self-defense, I swear, Dash somehow got out the way and I ended up hitting Bulldozer in the head with it. After that, Dash powerbombed me on top of the lid, hence it being all bent out of shape as you see here.

And that’s not even how I got hurt. I mean, it sure as hell didn’t feel good. But somehow, before that, while I was minding my own business, and totally not attacking Dash unfairly, I ended up banging my own knee into the ground when I was doing a diving elbow drop on Dash’s head. Oh my god, it hurt. It was my bad knee, and when I first did it I thought I’d broken it. It’s not I’m pretty sure, but I’m definitely going to feel it tomorrow. And maybe also a couple pains from Dash hitting me in the head with various other street weapons. What a bastard.

New Hellcats is up. Go check it out. We’re definitely moving the story along now.

And while you’re there checking it out, do me a favor. You’ll notice at the top of the main page, just above the comic, there are three voting buttons. Go vote for us on each of those sites. Especially the one that says TWC. TWC and Buzzcomics will have you press a confirm button. While The Web Comic List just takes you to a Hellcats page on their site. It’s a portal, that keeps track of all your favorite webcomics. Anyway, the more people who vote for us the higher we rise on all the lists, and the better it is for us. We’ll be more popular and make more money and one day, we’ll be able to do it full time and there will be daily Hellcats. Won’t that be great? I thought so. You can only vote once per day, so go back there every night and vote again.

And I’m still looking for more fan art and more feedback on stuff, so feel free to write and let us know what you think and send us any fan art you might have. We’ll put it up on the site and you can be famous too.

Ouch… I think I’m going to bed so I can hobble to work tomorrow.

365 days



Day 673 of 365 More.

Didn’t really have an idea for a shot today.I was sitting around managing some of my project wonderful ads on my laptop and working on coloring the next comic, when Otto, Steph’s cat, climbed up on the couch right above me head. Sometimes its just a moment like that where inspiration is born and you get a shot.

Tess our other cat would have freaked out and ran as soon as I climbed up there with her.

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Day 672 of 365 More.

Brother can you spare a dime!!!!!

You know it’s crazy. I don’t do anything but work anymore. I guess it’s been like that for a while now, but I’m just starting to have it sink in.

I have so many extra projects, I can’t keep up with extra projects. 365s get posted after 4 in the morning. I keep falling behind on answering comments. I’m really behind on commenting on other people’s stuff. I started working on a tarot card like four days ago and haven’t gotten back to it. I haven’t had time to draw or edit my most recent photoshoot.

I’m just burnt out.

This will be so much easier when I become so famous that I don’t have to work a real job. But for being at work for 8+ hours a day, I’d really have a pretty good life.

As it is, I have no life anymore. It’s June. I should be well into planning Jammy Jam by now. I got nothing. No bands. No prizes. Last year we were actually talking about maybe trying to find some venue other than my house for this years jam, and yet I haven’t even been looking at outfits for myself. Anyone want a job being my Jammy Jam coordinator? My last one moved to Hawaii.

I’ve spent most of my time since I got home from work reorganizing the Hellcats site so that it can better display ads. Ewww, banner ads, my god have I sold out. But if I want to seriously be a writer/artist/whatever, I guess I have to make money some way. And I’m really happy about the Project: Wonderfiul business plan. They actually gaver us a serious boost in views today. Let’s hope it continues.

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Day 670 of 365 More.

I am a patriot.

I have saved the economy.

At the behest of our fearless leader, I have used the recently issued bribe, errr… that is… stimulus check to revitalize the economy by buying even more photography lights. They should be here in a week or so. I mean, I really didn’t want to. But, I feel that it’s the least I can do for the sake of this great nation.

Besides, I’m going to need all the lights I can get once I destroy the sun.

In other news, new episodes of both the podcast and Cosmic Hellcats are up. Go check them out!

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Day 669 of 365 More.

In some ways I miss last year. This time last year I was unemployed and looking for work. Looking for work only takes so much time out of your week, so the rest of the time I spent working on photography and working out like I was in prison.

I was in great shape.

I’m not anymore. I’m fat and flabby and generally just not comfortable in my body. I spend most of my day at work and most of my evenings working on the comic strip or the podcast. It doesn’t leave a lot of time for anything else.

Don’t get me wrong, I love doing the podcast and Hellcats is a childhood dream come true. I mean, I’d be happier with both of them if I had more of an audience, but I’m hopeful that will happen.

I just don’t much like looking in the mirror or looking at pictures of me anymore.

So I took a break tonight and did some weight lifting. I don’t really feel like I look any better, but it’s a start. I need to work on the strip some more tonight, but if I can do that and still convince myself to get up early tomorrow, maybe I’ll put in 30 min. on the elliptical.

It’s time to bring sexy back one more time.

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Day 668 of 365 More.

It’s been hot this week. Godawful hot. In the 90s, and extremly humid. I guess some places it’s like that all the time, but that’s exceptional for Pittsburgh this time of year.

And the worse part, I hadn’t gotten around to cleaning and filling my pool so I couldn’t just jump in to cool off.

I decided tonight was a good time to fix that.

While I was at it, I filmed a tutorial for next week’s podcast on shutter speed. So if you’ve ever wondered how to do a shot like this, where you freeze water in the air, be sure to check out next week’s show. (This week’s show will hopefully be up soon).

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Day 667 of 365 More.

So here’s something a little different. I took this picture today, but its actually representative of what I did on Friday. Today, I didn’t really do anything superinteresting. I shot the podcast with Stephen. worked on Hellcats, which will be up at midnight, and worked on cleaning my pool.

I wish I had done the pool a week ago. It’s been in the 90s here the last few days and it would have been really nice to jump in. But no dice. Another day or two of chemical balancing and it will be set though.

Anyway, nothing I felt like taking a picture of, so instead I thought I’d talk about one of my favorite activities. BARE-AOKE! I’ve mentioned it here before. It’s Karaoke, at a strip club! One of the best things ever. It’s just like Karaoke anywhere else, a bunch of drunken losers, standing on stage, belting out out of tune renditions of pop and rock songs, with no cohesive style between them, so even if someone is good, which they’re usually not, you’re left wondering why "My Way" was followed by "Baby Got Back". But, to make it more tolerable, at this club, there are naked ladies dancing around you while you sing. It’s the best thing ever. Even if you don’t like strip clubs. It’s just so ridiculous and surreal that you can’t help but love it. Plus the deejay, DJ Marty, is just awesome.

Friday they were celebrating one of my favorite strippers’, Pinky’s, birthday. So I ended up singing her favorite song of mine, Prince’s Darling Nikki to her while she danced for me. Actually everyone loves when I do Darling Nikki. It’s my best karaoke performance. I got a standing ovation, and won myself a couple free passes from the bartender/manager, just because she liked it.

So you know, if anyone wants to go sing in front of some strippers one of these Friday nights, I’m in.

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Day 666 of 365 More.

I wish I would have had the foresight to have started 365 Days two years and two days before I did so that my day 666 could have been on 6-6-06. Oh well.

I actually had intended to do something all devilish looking for this occasion, but I never got around to it. Besides, its 800 degrees outside. All I really want is to drink a margarita and cool off.

So I am.

Explore hates me. I really thought I was a shoe in with the VF cover from the other day. 51 comments, 19 faves. Far better than most of my pics have done lately. But I guess not. I guess I’m not as "interesting" as I thought. I haven’t made it in months. Oh well.

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Day 665 of 365 More.

If I could only do one kind of picture in the 365 project it would be fake magazine covers. And if I was only allowed to fake one cover, over and over again, it would be this one.

Jameel ad I had the idea to do this cover with Steph way back when I did it the first time, and after yesterday’s virtual collaboration, I thought it might be nice to do an in person one as well.

So there you go. Steph’s a pimp.

And you think I’m bad.

365 days